Matsun Nutrition

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Private Label Supplement Contract Manufacturing Benefits and Differences

Private Label vs. Supplement Contract Manufacturing:  Benefits and Differences

There are a few benefits and differences between private label and contract manufacturing when it comes to liquid supplements.  People often confuse private labeling with contract manufacturing, and vice-versa.  What exactly are the benefits and differences between private label and contract manufacturing for liquid vitamins and supplements?  Let’s look at the difference between the two.

Download one of our FREE eBooks

Private Labeling Supplements
Private Labeling: (great for new startups, low 12 bottle minimum order)

  • 3 Easy Steps To Private Labeling Supplements and Vitamins

Supplement Contract Manufacturing
Contract Manufacturing:  (custom formulations, 800 bottle minimum order)

  • An Overview of Supplement Contract Manufacturing

In the nutraceutical industry, private labeling refers to a manufacturer’s producing a stock formula for their clients and designing a custom label for that product so that the client can sell it while maintaining a semblance of originality and legitimacy. The client need only choose a liquid supplement stock formula and work with the manufacturer’s design team to produce a custom label, which generally is printed with the client’s company logo, contact information, and original product name on it. Private label vitamins are essentially a manufacturer’s standard product with a new, customized label slapped on it. Private labeling is a mutually beneficial endeavor; the manufacturer profits from clients’ business, and the client profits from sales of the private labeled product, which is hopefully a high-quality product.

Contract manufacturing is a bit different from private labeling. In contract manufacturing, a client harnesses the experience and resources of the manufacturer to produce entirely new formulas. The client works closely with the manufacturer to create products that meet their specifications. A custom label design is generally part of the contract between the client and the manufacturer. The finished product may be only a bit different from the manufacturer’s stock formula, or it may be unique. Contract manufacturing allows clients to have more flexibility to experiment and try new products and formulas. Once the product is ready, the client sells it to customers. Contract manufacturing is mutually beneficial as well; the client can create a product that exactly meets their specifications by employing the manufacturer’s time, ingredients, and labor, while the manufacturer profits from the client’s business and may even discover particularly effective formulas that can then be offered as new products.

Private Label Supplement Contract Manufacturing Benefits Diffferences

At Matsun Nutrition, we offer both private label vitamins and contract manufacturing services. We offer flexible minimum orders, so you don’t have to be timid about working with us. Whether you are considering selling one of our tried-and-true stock formulas with a custom label or producing specialized, high-quality liquid supplement of your own, Matsun Nutrition is here for you.

For more information call (888) 866-5755 or e-mail us:

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