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All You Need to Know About Private Label Companies

Private label companies are business entities that designate a product packaged or manufactured for sale under the name of the reseller or wholesaler rather than that of the manufacturer. These private label manufacturers have made it possible for resellers and retailers who are keen on selling private label vitamins and supplements to easily get their unique and well-branded products into the market. Here are some key benefits of these companies to the reseller and wholesaler. They include but are not limited to the following;

They Offer a Wide Choice of Stock Formulations

Most private label companies offer a base of stock formulations which a reseller can then use to easily enter the market. Most of these private label manufacturers offer resellers or wholesalers two options for using the stock formulations. The first option usually involves the production of custom private label vitamins and supplements. This basically means that the ingredients of the supplement are changed as per your specifications. It can be as extensive as coming up with a totally new product from scratch or as minor as changing the ratio of a few ingredients. The other option usually involves the reseller picking one of the ready-made stock formulations and having it branded accordingly before introducing it into the market. Both of these options come with significant savings for a reseller or wholesaler who can now use such resources to vigorously market their own product.

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They Assist Build Your Name and Brand

As any entrepreneur who has ventured into the private label vitamins and supplements segment will acknowledge, one of the main advantages of working with private label companies is that they help you build your name and brand from scratch using some top quality and safely manufactured products. By riding on their expertise and business linkages, a reseller can easily tap into mature markets which may have otherwise been very difficult to penetrate. They usually achieve this feat by using the large database of clients and suppliers that they have. It is also important to note that most of these private label manufacturers have employed highly qualified and vastly experienced team members who can help a reseller take on competitors who he may have otherwise not been able to engage.

They Help You Make Money

Most of these private label manufacturers order for the ingredients used to manufacture premium grade products in bulk, this simple leverage allows private label companies to get discounts which individual resellers or wholesalers would not be able to achieve on their own. These discounts are then passed on to private label vitamins and supplements resellers, making their products quite affordable to the masses without compromising on quality or safety issues or concerns.

They Help Eliminate Barriers to Enter Into the Market

As many private label companies will acknowledge, getting into the manufacturing of vitamins and supplements is a very expensive and time-consuming affair. Apart from seeking certifications from relevant safety bodies and organizations and complying with certain standards such as the Current Good Manufacturing Standards (cGMP), private label manufacturers also invest a lot of money in research and development as well as training of staff. By offering private label facilities to resellers and wholesalers, these companies allow such small entities to easily gain a foothold in this segment. Another area where these companies really bring down the barrier is through their low minimum order levels. With some having order levels as low as 40 to 50 bottles per order; the overall investment cost is significantly reduced.

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